Are your prescriptions and supplements fighting ... or not working?
Don’t guess – "Ask The Pharmacist"
Paul Roberts R.Ph., M.S. is ASK THE PHARMACIST with:
Over twenty years’ experience as an integrative pharmacist
Studied herbal medicine—is a contributing author to the Natural Medicines Database®, the largest database of herbal medicine in the English language
Master’s Degree in Nutrition
Paul is continuously updating with the latest knowledge
In a session with Ask The Pharmacist you get:
Screen for drug-drug interactions
Screen for drug-supplement interactions
Screen for food-drug/supplement interactions
Answer questions: Are they safe? Are there duplications? Can some things be eliminated? The answer is usually YES!
You get a comprehensive, individualized review. He is the one person who can put it all together for you…to get what you need without wasting your money.
A simple one-hour "RX/Supplement Review" is all it takes. Make an appointment now.

Improve your health or medical conditions
Using the “3 Pillars” of nutrition, exercise, and stress management…together we develop a plan that you can do to optimize your health and happiness, many times reducing your need for medications by giving your body what it needs to run right.
Making programs practical and achievable for you and your lifestyle is a key for success.
I work closely with your doctor and any other health providers you have. Together we give you total support.
Call now to ask how!